Five Ways to Support Rockbridge Seminary And It Won’t Cost You A Cent

There are many different ways you can support Rockbridge Seminary.  Here are five things you can do and it won't break your piggy bank. 1.   Have you heard about Amazon Smile? AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as The difference is that when you shop [...]

Different On Purpose

Why are you on this earth? What is the meaning of life? In his book, The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren states that are all born by God’s purpose and for God’s purpose. Our Creator has given each of us specific spiritual gifts, habits, abilities, personality, and experiences to fulfill his purpose. No two of [...]

The Journey – It’s the Experience

We live in an experience economy. Today it is not about the destination, but the experience. Adult learners are not interested in being silent spectators. They want to be active participants. If learning is indeed the experience and not the stamp on the passport, what makes for a good learning experience? There are many ways [...]

What Makes a Great Student?

As students are returning to school, this is a worthwhile question to ask.  It is easy to criticize teachers and complain about deficiencies in our schools, but teachers are only part of the equation. Students and parents share responsibility for learning outcomes. Great schools are determined not just by the caliber of their faculty, but [...]

Traditional Seminary vs. Online Seminary – which is right for you?

Today, persons called to ministry have many options for their training. With more than 500 seminaries, 1200 Bible colleges, and several hundred Christian Colleges that offer ministry tracks, the choices are daunting. How do you sort through the various opportunities and simplify your decision-making process? The following examines the pros and cons of two of [...]

3 Reasons We Recommend Attending Seminary Online

by Dr. Randy Millwood Did you know the word seminary is actually an agricultural term? It comes from the Latin for seed and essentially refers to the plot &process whereby seeds grow. My sweet wife is a gardener, so, over the years, I’ve learned a thing or two about that world – things that surprisingly [...]

Theology AND Practice

One of the grave dangers of the Church and for every Christian is to believe what the Bibles says, but not practice those beliefs. James expressed it this way, Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says(bold mine.) Anyone who listens to the word but does not dowhat [...]

Leaders Develop Others

Examine the background of the original 12 disciples of Jesus and you’ll discover they were not the best of the best.    The group contained hot heads, a tax collector, a thief, several fishermen, and one who wanted to overthrow the government. They didn’t have formal training. They didn’t go to rabbinical school. They had not [...]

3 Reasons to Keep Away from Online Theology Schools

There are many valid reasons to attend an online theology school, but people often don’t warn you about why you shouldn’t attend an online seminary. The hidden truth of the shortcomings of online seminaries is now revealed. Here are 3 reasons why you should keep away from an online theology school. There is no commute [...]

Getting the Most out of Seminary While Saving Money

I worked four years in a church staff position during and after college, before deciding I needed to further my education by going to a seminary. These years were invaluable to my development because I experienced ministry and discovered what I needed to know before furthering in my studies. I wish all incoming students could [...]

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