Welcome to Rockbridge Seminary!

One of my favorite memories is the family vacation my family and I took to the beautiful Sequoia National Forest in northern California. The sequoia tree stretches to over 250 ft. tall with a circumference up to 30 ft. The largest sequoia on record towers 275 ft. in height, has a diameter of 102 ft. and weighs 2.7 million lbs! Standing in the forest surrounded by these majestic trees was a breathtaking experience. God designed them to display his creativity and splendor. Amazingly, these giants start from a seed the size of a flake of oatmeal. When placed in the right environment, the seed takes root and grows into a marvel to behold. What starts off as small, hidden, and unnoticeable becomes everything God created it to be.

Likewise, God desires the seeds of faith planted in you to flourish and grow into spiritual maturity. Colossians 2:7 encourages us to, “Let your roots grow down into Him (Christ Jesus), and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”

One of the ways God develops the seeds of our faith is through the seminary experience. Just as a greenhouse provides superior conditions for plants to grow healthy and strong, a seminary is a spiritual greenhouse, where seeds of faith have an opportunity to take root. It is a place to strengthen your biblical foundation, develop relevant and practical ministry skills, and continue your journey of spiritual formation.

Since our beginning, we have created a unique and innovative environment for distance learning with the central purpose of developing servant leaders for Christian ministry. Our heartfelt endeavor continues at Rockbridge to prepare you for a lifetime of serving God’s Kingdom. Today more than ever, the world needs godly, loving, courageous, compassionate shepherd leaders to be the hands and feet of Jesus—fearless ambassadors who boldly proclaim the hope of the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

The faculty, staff, and I are honored to grow alongside of you in the spiritual greenhouse of Rockbridge Seminary. We consider it a deep privilege to support you and encourage you wherever you find yourself serving in our Savior’s Kingdom.

Looking forward to the future!

Tommy Hilliker, M.Div.
