Message From the President

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God is calling men and women to provide spiritual leadership to a new generation. Unfortunately, as these individuals embark on their ministry pilgrimage they often come to a river they don’t know how to cross. The river is the lack of accessible training.

Pastors, staff members, and church members want a way they can receive ministry training without leaving their church, business, or place of service. More and more churches are calling staff members from within their congregations, but these faithful and committed members desire to grow in their ministry skills. Rockbridge Seminary exists to take people over that river.

Rockbridge Seminary is a new concept in ministry training. Rockbridge is a fully online program designed around the five biblical purposes of the church: fellowship, spiritual growth, ministry, mission, and worship. The program allows students to acquire ministry skills while remaining in their ministry. This is not a correspondence school. Rockbridge courses are designed by notable authors and educators and taught by qualified practitioners. Students participate in a learning community that encourages its members to develop personal leadership and ministry skills.

At Rockbridge, students are part of a virtual classroom. You will read current books, dialogue with professors and guest practitioners, interact with students, work on learning projects in a group setting, and apply your learning through practical assignments. This learning process may include media instruction, threaded discussion, chat, PowerPoint®, streaming audio and video, CD-ROM, and/or DVD.

We believe in the power of relationships and community. In each course, you will be expected to enlist a mentor/spiritual friend who will walk with you on this journey. This mentor will help you apply what you are learning to your ministry context.

I hope you can see the global impact of this enterprise. Persons living in rural communities in America or in remote locations in Africa can receive effective training without leaving ministry. Won’t you join us in the journey?

Tommy Hilliker