Getting the Most out of Seminary While Saving Money

I worked four years in a church staff position during and after college, before deciding I needed to further my education by going to a seminary. These years were invaluable to my development because I experienced ministry and discovered what I needed to know before furthering in my studies. I wish all incoming students could [...]

Why Go to Seminary?

Seth Godin wrote an interesting piece about education at the crossroads today.  And he raised an interesting point: School was the big thing for a long time. School is tests and credits and note taking and meeting standards. Learning, on the other hand, is 'getting it'. It's the conceptual breakthrough that permits the student to [...]

How Can We Best Honor Our Fallen Soldiers?

Many Americans will observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, flying the American flag, and participating in parades. It’s good to pause our lives and remember the sacrifices of others. G.K. Chesteron said, "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” [...]

On-line Learning – An Insider’s Perspective, by Ben Davis

I want to offer my two cents worth in the on-line vs. traditional classroom debate.  I do this as both a student who has completed on-line and traditional degrees and as an instructor who has taught in both modalities.  Both approaches to education have their strengths and weaknesses, but right at the outset I want [...]

Help us Spread the Word

  Thank you for getting the word out about Rockbridge. Most of our students come to Rockbridge as a result of a recommendation from a pastor or friend. Ninety-eight percent of our students recommend Rockbridge to their friends. The percent of students satisfied with their courses of student is 97%.   We’ve got raving fans!   There [...]

Why You Should Consider Rockbridge

    A Different Kind of School by Rhonda Kitchen, DMin Developing servant leaders is a chief goal of Rockbridge Seminary. This cannot be achieved in the vacuum of a learning environment that focuses only on knowledge acquisition. Rockbridge degree programs are practical, relational, and relevant. Students at Rockbridge will learn the skills of five [...]

Rockbridge – Different On Purpose

Why are you on this earth? What is the meaning of life? In his book, The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren states that are all born by God’s purpose and for God’s purpose. Our Creator has given each of us specific spiritual gifts, habits, abilities, personality, and experiences to fulfill his purpose. No two of [...]

Practical Ministry Training

Would you want a surgeon who got an A+ on all of his exams, but had never performed one operation? Fortunately, students in medical schools learn techniques through simulations, by dissecting animals, working alongside skilled doctors, and spending years of practice under the watchful eyes of experts before they are board certified surgeons. The same [...]

Jellyfish medical findings

How the jellyfish surprised science and what the medical implications Results are encouraging Aenean vitae neque est. Proin aliquam, lacus non ullamcorper elementum, diam eros faucibus orci, sed lobortis lectus urna egestas ligula. Morbi viverra, orci ac sodales consectetur, erat justo dictum urna, sodales ultrices [...]

Reduced medicine side effects

Reduced side effects of medicine Results are encouraging Aenean vitae neque est. Proin aliquam, lacus non ullamcorper elementum, diam eros faucibus orci, sed lobortis lectus urna egestas ligula. Morbi viverra, orci ac sodales consectetur, erat justo dictum urna, sodales ultrices nulla diam placerat ipsum. Donec [...]

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